The last time we were at DEFCON 3 was in the closing hours of the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, the Yom Kippur War. The Soviet Union wanted the United States to call for a joint dispatch of U.S. and Soviet troops to the battlefront to enforce a cease-fire. The U.S. balked. Soviet leaders threatened to move their troops unilaterally. On October 24, 1973, at 10:40 P.M., the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, convened an urgent meeting in the White House basement. The Secretary of Defense, the director of Central Intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs was there. The President was not. Richard Nixon was incapacitated with drink and anger following the Saturday Night Massacre, his firing of the Watergate special prosecuter and Justice Department officials. The White House chief of staff, Alexander Haig, told Kissinger that the President was "too distraught" to function. There was no Vice-President: Spiro Agnew had resigned facing criminal indictment. No one disturbed the President. Just before midnight, the men in the White House basement took the United Sates to DEFCON 3. Within twenty-four hours Kissinger decided the Soviet threat was a "big bluff," and the alerted forces stood down.
p.53 Blank Check - Tim Weiner
Neil Bush's troubles have become a symbol of the S&L crisis itself, the largest financial scandal in U.S.history, with a final estimated cost of between $500 billion and $1.4 trillion, more money than American street criminals steal in 4,000 years.
p.2 Elite Deviance - David R. Simon and D. Stanley Eitzen
The fascist movement got its real insurgent birth in the United States from Henry Ford through his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent. Today the Nazis and the Klan consider his book The International Jew to be one of their bibles. Ford built his automobile empire as close as he could to the New Order fascist dictatorship to which he aspired for society as a whole. He even established an entirely segregated two-city system for his workers. Dearborn, home of what was then the largest factory in the world, the Ford River Rouge plant, was for whites; Inkster was its Black suburb. That little fascist mini-state was not broken until the United Auto Workers CIO organized it in the 1940s, the last of the automobile trusts to be unionized.
CovertAction Winter '89 - Klansmen, Nazis and Skinheads : Vigilante Repression - Ken Lawrence
One of the most serious [nuclear accidents] occurred in 1961, when an H-bomb was accidently dropped over Goldsboro, North Carolina, and five of its six safety devices failed. That one safety device protected us from a thermonuclear explosion of twenty-four million tons TNT, an explosion one thousand times more powerful than that of the Nagasaki bomb and, in fact, more powerful than the combined explosions of all the wars in human history.
p.245 The Turning Point - Fritjof Capra
I have not seen a conspiracy theory fit the events of the OJ
trial more neatly than anything since the Reagan election and the October
Surprise. I refer to the Casey Sucharski scenario in the OJ case.
Sucharski, Michael Militello and OJ were under investigation in Florida
in the 1970s for drugs--only Sucharski was ever prosecuted and he got off
with $200 fine. Sucharski was found dead in Miramar, Florida, shortly after
Nicole Brown's murder, and shortly after that Militello reported back to OJ
in his cell. The scenario goes like this: Sucharski arranged Nicole Brown's
murder to send a message to OJ to pay off a drug debt (possibly owed to the
owner of the San Francisco 49ers); OJ, through Michael Militello, arranged
Sucharski's murder; the prosecution and the defense never even attempted to
get near the truth--save for some thinly veiled threats sent to the court
by Robert Shapiro.
So add this up from recent developments and revelations: 1. the Vanity Fair
writer that CBS hired as the slack-jaw interpreter of the trial (whatever
his name is) said one of the jury guards told him the jurors were packed on
Sunday; 2. News reports indicated that Ito ordered the jurors to pack
their bags; 3. the incestuous relationships: Ito's wife was Fuhrman's boss;
Nicole Brown's sister's boyfriend was defense witness Tony The Animal; 4.
OJ and Nicole both held interests in fried chicken franchises co-owned by
the Japanese Yakuza and known as drug-laundering outfits; 5. A man can't
repay a drug debt from prison. The developing theory is that Fuhrman was
the killer, but also a mob patsy in helping put the right pressure on
the court for OJ's acquittal.
The Steamshovel Press
The [Chernobyl] accident, he [Chernousenko] says, was not the result of operator error but was caused by major flaws of design present in fifteen other Soviet reactors that are still in operation....Chernousenko asserts that between 7,000 and 10,000 volunteers were killed. But his most serious charge is that the accident released the lethal contents of 80 percent of the reactor core rather than the 3 percent figure announced to the world.
Chernobyl - the hidden tragedy by Jay M. Gould in The Nation Magazine (March 15,1993)
.There's another site on Chernobyl
The U.S. government knew that Noriega was involved in drug trafficking since at least 1972, when the Nixon administration considered assassinating him. But he stayed on the CIA payroll. In 1983, a U.S. Senate committee concluded that Panama was a major center for the laundering of drug funds and drug trafficking.
The U.S. government continued to value Noriega's services. In May 1986, the Director of the Drug Enforcement Agency praised Noriega for his "vigorous anti-drug trafficking policy." A year later, the Director "welcomed our close association" with Noriega, while Attorney General Edwin Meese stopped a U.S. Justice Department investigation of Noriega's criminal activities. In August 1987, a Senate resolution condemning Noriega was opposed by Elliot Abrams, the State Department official in charge of U.S. policy in Central America and Panama.
And yet, when Noriega was finally indicted in Miami in 1985, all the charges except one were related to activities that took place before 1984 - back when he was our boy, helping with the U.S. war against Nicaragua...
p.51 What Uncle Sam Really Wants - Noam Chomsky
...a Treasury Department review said that a lost cameraman inadvertently disclosed the ATF plans when he asked a passing mailman for directions to the raid. The mailman was a Davidian sect member who raced back to the compound to warn the others.
p.222 When the Eagle Screams - Stephan Bowman
Terrorism is aimed at the people watching, not at the actual victims. Terrorism is theater.
Brian Jenkins - U.S. expert on terrorism
In September 1993, the U.S. government concluded that mysterious illnesses suffered by hundreds of participants in the Persian Gulf War apparently were caused by still-unknown biological or chemical agents used by Iraq.
p.150 When the Eagle Screams - Stephen Bowman
There's a good article on this subject at the CovertAction site
Gulf War Syndrome Covered Up - Chemical and Biological Agents Exposed by Dennis Bernstein
From 1986 to 1989, a $3 billion CIA covert operation to support the Afghan rebels secretly sent almost one thousand Stinger missiles to the rebel front, through connections with the Pakistani government...But three hundred of the deadly Stingers are missing and unaccounted for.
p.97 When the Eagle Screams - Stephen Bowman
More recently, and more directly related to the youth gangs, a national wave of violence was narrowly avoided when a post-office worker in Oregon discovered a box of explosives, along with disturbingly specific instructions, sent from a gang on the west coast to one on the east coast. Similar packages had in fact gone out to every major city. From these packages the FBI discovered that a coordinated plot to enact a simultaneous attack on police nationwide was about to take place on a specific date in 1991.
p.46 When the Eagle Screams - Stephen Bowman
Prior to his death in 1972, James Angleton, a man I once met in General Cabell's office, confided to me that Nixon had arranged a deal with Gerald Ford. If Ford fulfilled two conditions after Nixon's resignation, Nixon would make Ford president. The conditions were a pardon for Nixon and a promise that he make sure any information held by the CIA concerning Nixon's involvement with the CIA/anti-Castro operations - specifically Operation Forty - would be actively concealed.
p.296 First Hand Knowledge - Robert D. Morrow
There's a mention of Operation Forty in The Kennedy Assassination: The Nixon- Bush Connection by Paul Kangas at WWW Virtual Library sumeria/politics
The Republicans' ballyhooed Contract with America is a perfect example. Beyond its laudable reform platform, there is nothing but budgetary cotton candy. No accountant in America can reduce the deficit with lower taxes, higher defense spending, and a hands-off approach to Social Security. And that's exactly what the Republicans have promised.
...Unless President Clinton (or any future President) and the congressional leadership decide to confront the rising cost of these automatic pilot programs [Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Administration, etc.] jointly, the deficit will grow. It won't matter how much taxes are raised. It won't matter how much defense spending is reduced. It won't matter if we eliminate every penny of foreign aid (we will spend $18 billion on foreign aid in 1995, or 0.012 percent of our entire budget).
None of this will matter unless the nation decides it can do without some of the Social Security, Medicare, veterans, or other entitlement benefits they receive.
p.38, 43 Common Cents - Representative Timothy J. Penny & Major Garrett
CIA officers even brokered some rather New Age help for the Bureau during the disastrous ATF-FBI seige against cultist David Koresh and his followers in Waco, Texas. On March 17, CIA and FBI officials met in suburban Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow Medical Academy, who had been working on a computerized acoustic device designed to plant thoughts in a person's mind.
p.429 Wedge:The Secret War Between the FBI and CIA - Mark Riebling
And the special prosecuter, Lawrence Walsh, kept digging tirelessly, seeking convictions and, when convictions weren't to be had, seeking justice. He had the proof that wrongs had been committed - but by the time the trials began, the whole country had heard some of the confessions of the guilty parties, which helped to tangle up the judicial process...All the final months of the Bush presidency were marked by new revelations. Most striking were Bush's diaries, with admissions of much greater knowledge of the Iran-contra affair than he'd ever publicly avowed. The fact is, he lied. It is an unpleasant fact, but a fact nevertheless. And just before he left office, George Bush handed out pardons right and left to the Reagan and Bush administration officials under indictment in Walsh's prosecutions...
Lawrence Walsh released his final report in 1993. Although Walsh didn't find grounds to press criminal charges against George Bush, he did find the vice president knew plenty about the Iran-contra operation. George Bush admitted as much - just once, under oath, in sealed testimony to Walsh's prosecution team.
p.123 The Camera Never Blinks Twice - Dan Rather with Mickey Herskowitz
Think about that the next time you see a bumper sticker saying Don't Blame Me - I Voted For Bush
There's an article on this subject at
Iran Contra
Along with the army of bodyguards there was, as always, a photographer with Saddam to capture every moment of his public life. Every day, every hour, every minute,every second. Saddam wanted to be sure that any attempt on his life would be recorded. His intimates said he liked to sit later and watch films of failed assassination attempts.
p.219 Circle of Fear - Hussein Sumaida with Carole Jerome
It was as if Thatcher and Reagan had adopted a keynote of situationist theory : abundance is dangerous to power, and privation, if carefully managed, is safe. A mammoth debt encourages fear, which is never revolutionary; a high level of unemployment ensures a ready pool of strike breakers, translates the curse of a bad job into a blessing.
Lipstick Traces - Greil Marcus
It is imperative to write invulnerable sentences.
Hugo Ball 1915
A sizeable fraction of working people lived in a Kleenex economy : nearly a fourth of the labor force in the early '90s consisted of temps and part-timers, who were cheaper to maintain and easier to dispose of when they were no longer needed...One American in ten was on food stamps; one in eight living in poverty; one family in four had been directly touched by unemployment.
p.15 Quest for the Presidency 1992 - Peter Goldman, Thomas M. DeFrank, Mark Miller, Andrew Murr, Tom Matthews
We now know from revelations of the Church Committee in the mid 1970's and subsequent investigations into Malcolm's assassination that his death was indirectly caused by the FBI. In 1969, four years after Malcolm's assassination, the FBI took credit for it and called it the result of its successful stimulation of the feud between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammed.
p.382 My Life As a Radical Lawyer - William M. Kunstler (RIP)
...nothing is true